Toyama University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center 

Toyama University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center 



Gynecological Oncology Center

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Gynecological Oncology Center

The Gynecological Oncology Center contributes to community healthcare by accepting referrals for many cases of gynecological cancer, and cases that require endoscopic surgery.
In recent years, we have received some 150 referrals annually of infertility patients from both within Toyama Prefecture and elsewhere.

Treatment System

• Gynecological Tumors
For benign tumors, we offer endoscopic surgery, handled primarily by certified gynecological endoscopy technicians. For malignant tumors, we provide multidisciplinary treatment that consists of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, generally headed by gynecological tumor specialists. In addition to standard treatments, we also provide closely tailored treatment for each patient, leading to exceptional therapeutic outcomes.

• Reproduction and Endocrinology
One of the most common reproductive diseases is endometriosis, and we practice systemic treatment of this disease. Professor Saito serves as the head of a Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare research group on infertility, and has treated many patients for infertility — over 70% of whom have since given birth. Though we do not currently offer fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, we can collaborate with other medical facilities as appropriate. Additionally, in February 2017, we began providing outpatient POI, and we offer IVA (in vitro activation).

• Women’s Medicine
Different diseases can develop during different stages of women’s lives. Women’s medicine serves to provide both treatment and prevention, to help keep women healthy throughout their entire lives. We offer specialist outpatient treatment for menopause and osteoporosis, as well as outpatient Kampo medicine in obstetrics and gynecology. In particular, our outpatient Kampo medicine has achieved favorable therapeutic outcomes for menopause, infertility, and other endocrine abnormalities.

Regarding Tumors

Preoperative chemotherapy is used for advanced cancer cases, in order to make it possible to operate on otherwise-inoperable cases and improve the likelihood of a complete recovery, or used in combination with radiotherapy to achieve a greater therapeutic response.
We are one of the few facilities in Toyama Prefecture to offer both intracavitary and interstitial irradiation among our radiotherapy options, and our patients include elderly, advanced, and recurrent cases. In 2008, we introduced a computer-controlled system to target irradiation sites, bringing about more effective treatment with reduced side effects; we expect systems of this type to continue to improve therapeutic outcomes.
Our three certified gynecological oncology specialists form the core of our specialized treatment. For cancer of the uterine corpus, we determine during surgery how advanced the cancer is and the tumor grade (appearance) of the cancer cells; based on the results, the surgeon may choose a treatment option that does not require pelvic or para-aortic lymph node dissection.
The five-year survival rates for these less invasive surgeries are essentially identical to that of conventional lymph node dissection, so they can serve as a surgical option that is gentler on patients.
We have also introduced laparoscopic surgery for cancer of the uterine corpus.
In addition, we provide multidisciplinary treatment for ovarian cancer. For stage III in particular, the most common stage, our survival rate has exceeded 70% for the past ten years — for comparison, the survival rate is ordinarily around 30%, and many facilities strive to reach even a 50% survival rate.
We improve survival rates with thorough surgery and precision anti-cancer drug therapy, and when cancer does recur, we continue with other anti-cancer drugs, to maximize patient survival rates.
We also hold monthly pathology conferences with the Department of Pathology, where we discuss cases.

Laparoscopic Surgery at the Center
We handle over 80% of our benign tumor surgeries laparoscopically (using an endoscope) for endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancies, infertility (peritubular adhesion of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and polycystic ovaries), and more.
In laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon uses a video screen to view the inside of the abdominal cavity through an endoscope, without cutting open the abdomen. The surgeon uses special instruments to perform the surgery while watching the screen. This type of surgery only requires making three or so small holes, 5–10 mm in size, into the abdomen.
This means that it leaves only small wounds, which in turn cause relatively little postoperative pain. The wounds also heal into small, effectively invisible scars, providing a cosmetic advantage as well. Patients can return to their everyday lives relatively quickly, with a short hospitalization period of just three or four days. This approach is also considered less prone to intra-abdominal adhesions than open abdominal surgery, and is believed to be a surgery suited to infertility patients as well.
Based on these advantages, we expect laparoscopic surgery to become increasingly popular in the future.

Outpatient Kampo Medicine

Though hormone replacement therapy has been a mainstay treatment for menopausal disorders, there are patients for whom this therapy alone would not be sufficiently effective, or who need to discontinue it due to side effects.
For patients like these, we now offer outpatient Kampo medicine in obstetrics and gynecology, prescribed by obstetricians and gynecologists to address various symptoms.
Our data has shown that Kampo medicines, prescribed through Kampo-medicine-based diagnoses, have proven effective in approximately 70% of patients with menopausal disorders, including patients who have found hormone replacement therapy to provide inadequate results.
Kampo medicine therapy can be used for more than menopausal disorders, as well: it can also help with irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, premenstrual tension syndrome (PMS), infertility (both inability to conceive and inability to carry a pregnancy to full term), sensitivity to cold, stiff shoulders, and back pain, as well as assisting in recovery of physical strength after treatment for gynecological cancer, enhancing immunity, and more. Schedule a consultation to learn more about whether Kampo medicine is right for you.

Outpatient Lymphedema

We offer outpatient lymphedema treatment, to help prevent and provide care for lymphedema of the lower limbs, which can be caused by the effects of surgery or radiotherapy to treat gynecological cancer.
Lymphedema of the lower limbs can cause a significant reduction in quality of life, so we provide treatment with the goal of preventing or alleviating it.
We start by examining the lower limbs, taking measurements, and performing blood tests if necessary. Based on the condition of the edema, we apply elastic wrap bandages or elastic stockings and provide guidance and prescriptions, as well as offering instruction on lymphatic drainage.
These services are intended for our own patients, but upon request we can also treat patients receiving care elsewhere, as well.

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Cancer Genome Medicine Promotion Center
Cancer Immunotherapy Center
Search by Name of Disease
Oral cancer
Head and neck cancer
Gastrointestinal cancer
Esophageal cancer (endoscopic treatment)
Esophageal cancer (robotic surgery)
Gastric cancer
Liver cancer
Colorectal cancer (early treatment)
Colorectal cancer (surgical treatment)
Cancer pain
Lung cancer
Lung cancer, Mediastinal tumor
Breast reconstruction
Cervical cancer
Childhood cancer
Malignant lymphoma
Multiple myeloma

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