Toyama University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center 

Toyama University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center 



In-House Cancer Registry Department

Cancer Registry Statistics

This page shows the number of registered cases of cancer by site, in accordance with National Cancer Center standards.
Of the tumors designated, only tumors initially diagnosed at this hospital are subject to registration; figures shown do not include metastases or recurrence of other cancers.

Registered Cases by Site (2016–2020)

Site 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Lung 166 173 158 201 210
Colon 114 129 148 167 178
Pancreas 40 75 122 169 176
Breast 85 98 97 142 137
Stomach 131 120 140 160 115
Prostate Gland 85 98 111 114 110
Brain/Nervous System 106 76 102 100 100
Kidney/Urinary System 68 66 54 82 83
Oral Cavity/Pharynx 45 53 63 60 75
Esophagus 48 55 55 60 70
Malignant Lymphoma 46 68 75 88 69
Gall Bladder/Bile Duct 24 26 46 47 67
Bladder 34 59 39 54 65
Skin 40 64 52 53 63
Liver 33 37 55 49 54
Uterine Cervix 28 21 23 36 48
Thyroid Gland 21 24 41 30 34
Uterine Corpus 18 19 20 14 29 33
Leukemia 13 24 18 20 26
Ovary 13 19 16 18 22
Bone/Soft Tissue 21 14 15 23 21
Other Hematopoietic Tumors 1 8 15 5 15
Larynx 11 13 10 18 12
Multiple Myeloma 7 5 7 9 7
Other 62 55 59 53 75
Total 1,246 1,261 1,400 1,535 1,787


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At the cancer registry, we record each tumor as an individual case. This does not mean that each case represents a separate patient.
We have seen upward trends in the number of cancer cases from year to year. The most common kind has been lung cancer, followed by cancers of the pancreas, colon, stomach, and breast.

Annual Trends by Site

Breast, Ovary, and Uterus

Pancreas, Liver, and Biliary Tract




Digestive Organs

Kidney/Urinary System

Skin, Bone and Soft Tissue, and Nerves

2020 Breakdown of Cases by Age Group
2019年 年齢階級別・登録割合

Proportions shown are based on patient ages at the time when they are diagnosed with cancer at this hospital.
2020 Breakdown of Cases by Route of Initial Visit
2019年 来院経路別・登録割合

“During observation of other disease” refers to cases where the patient was seeing a doctor at this hospital for another disease, and cancer was discovered by chance during checkups or tests.
2020 Breakdown of Cases by Method of Discovery
2019年 発見経緯別・登録割合

“Method of discovery” refers to the underlying reason leading to the discovery of cancer.
“During observation of other disease” refers to cases where the patient was seeing a doctor for another disease, and cancer was discovered by chance during checkups or tests.

Center director message