To Our Patients

At the Department of Clinical Oncology, we provide multidisciplinary treatment, which involves several aspects of cancer treatment by expert doctors in various medical fields. These personalized therapy for patients’ symptoms provide more effectiveness.

Cancer therapy are developing rapidly day by day and much more options are coming available. We aim to provide effective therapies that take less of a toll on the body, with greater comfort and less risk of recurrence. To realize this aim, we make deliberate discussions with patients and their families about their choice of therapy. We also actively engage in palliative care, which serves to ease patients’ physical and mental pain, and help them to lead comfortable everyday lives.

Initial and Follow-Up Consultations:
8:30 to 11:00 a.m
(Reception available outside these hours for patients with afternoon appointments.)
Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, days designated as closures by the hospital (notifications provided on bulletin boards), and new year holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3)
TEL:(076)434-2281 FAX:(076)-434-5069
Day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
a.m. Hayashi
Cancer Genome Outpatient Clinic
(By Appointment Only)

Kajiura Hayashi
Cancer Genome Outpatient Clinic
(By Appointment Only)

p.m. Palliative Care Outpatient Clinic

job name Doctor name Specialty Fields
Senior Professor/Medical Director Ryuji Hayashi Oncology, respiratory medicine, lung cancer, interstitial lung disease
Deputy Director/Clinical Associate Professor Shinya Kajiura Oncology, palliative medicine, gastroenterology, gastroenterological endoscopy
Treatment Advisor Toshiro Miwa Oncology, respiratory medicine, lung cancer
Short-Term Physician/Clinical Professor Nozomu Murakami Gastroenterological surgery, palliative care